These are links to technical-Ressources from other projects, which help to understand certain things. ID3 structure of id3v2.4 frames contained in id3v2 id3v2.4 details on the frames set of libraries for id3v2 MusicBrainz MusicBrainz Client-Library HOWTO freedb freedb file-format DISCID Howto cddb/freedb protocol Ogg Vorbis Ogg Vorbis comment field specification Ogg logical and physical bitstream overview
structure of id3v2.4 frames contained in id3v2 id3v2.4 details on the frames set of libraries for id3v2
MusicBrainz Client-Library HOWTO
freedb file-format DISCID Howto cddb/freedb protocol
Ogg Vorbis
Ogg Vorbis comment field specification Ogg logical and physical bitstream overview